Thursday, 30 March 2017

Evaluation 8: How have you established genre across your three productions ?

Magazine cover
Within our magazine cover we believed that the less exaggerated our piece was, the more impacting it would be on our audience. By focusing on one aspect and trying to unsettle the audience intensely with this, we believe that it would victimise and intimidate the consumer effectively into showing the correct tension we were trying to build, therefore this would show our receiving audience the genre of our film effectively. The imagery that we used within this cover was a full scaled image of our antagonist, the clown, standing in from of the camera holding the gimmicked balloon in his hand, as he stares scarily down the camera, almost as if he is staring straight at the reader, therefore creating the most effective intimidating tone over the reader, and therefore showing again the films genre the most effectively. We decided to have this image displayed in black and white, which shows the tones as very dark and eerie, which have negative connotations to the film in the sense of happiness, which clearly shows that this isn't a family friendly film, and not appropriate for children, clearly setting the correct audience we want purchasing our film and attending in the cinema. Also by using the character of a clown, rather than any of the protagonists, shows the character as dominating, powerful and very significant within the film, with the idea of knowing that the phobia of clowns is a very large  phobia globally, and therefore many who want to be scared who indeed have this phobia may be attracted to this type of film as they know that they are likely to be frightened.

Film Poster
The film poster was a very important factor within effectively portraying the films genre, as this is the main factor of which the public would be viewing in terms of whether to look further into the film in terms of seeing the film. We developed this idea by having many ideas o who to involve within the poster, but in the end we settled on a bold but simplistic look. So therefore we only used our antagonist clown within the poster much alike our magazine cover, but we wanted the film poster to be the most unsettling and disturbing, so with this in mind we decided to use a close up image of the clown, to which we only used half of the clowns face in order to show the sinister intentions of the clown, by showing him lurking and luring out of complete sight and showing a smirk that unsettles the receiving audience. Setting the perfect atmosphere for a horror film by involving a frightening and unnerving sense of imagery that would effectively show the audience what they are getting themselves in for. We had the films title shown vertically, in order to show a distorted effect and stand separately out of the clowns way, so as to not take the main focus off of the clown's face. The idea of having a slogan beneath the title also further shows the genre of our production. This slogan reads, "Whats the matter ? you look as if you've seen a clown", which hangs off the plot of the clown being a main sense of plot and the main course of tension and distortion within our protagonists lives, But also takes from the famous slogan of "looks as if you've seen a ghost", which shows that clowns are going to be the most frightening thing to all viewers after watching this film and ghosts are nothing.

Final Trailer
Our trailer stands as the main aspect of our productions of which will give the viewing audience the notion of whether to watch the film or not, showing through snippets and scenes of the film, which we needed to show the sense of equilibrium within this trailer, we wanted to show the type of life the protagonists had before the clown disrupted their lives, and to see what they are fighting to get back. We felt by involving this it would show the problem more severely. We focused very much on building the tension up with showing the clown being disturbing scenes of the clown stalking the girls and looking into the camera breaking the sense of realism and focusing on luring in the audience into watching the film and finding out what the clown is capable of and what his intentions towards the girls are. Although we didn't want to show the clown as completely harmless, which is why we involved the clown chasing the girls when they are seemingly alone in a large field, and also when they are in their car desperately trying to get away from the clown, and we see the clown magically appear being the girls in the back seat, also due to the disappearance of one of the protagonists this makes the audience question whether the clown harmed her/killed her, or if she got away ? The clown showing up magically behind the girls also sets the style of genre we have as a paranormal style, and hints to the audience that the clown isn't all he seems to be, due to him showing these supernatural characteristics and demonic clown like appearance.

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