Tuesday 28 March 2017

Evaluation 4: How have you made your trailer seem like a trailer ?

A main goal our group wanted to achieve when creating our production was to get a professional look. We wanted to incorporate the correct mise en scene, sound, editing and camera shots/angles. Therefore we examined many paranormal and slasher styles in order to take inspiration from successfully portrayed horror trailers.

These trailers that we consulted showed the idea that there should be a wide variety of camera shots and angles, this shows the idea of creationism and diversity. Within our opening shots, we found that a popular shot type to use within the opening scenes are establishing shots, this gives the audience the immediate setting of the film and the type of horror that it will be, paranormal or slasher, through the location, which can usually be stereotyped to a certain style of horror. Although our opening scenes does establish a house, which can show either the impression of paranormal or slasher, so this shows an enigma to our audience, a sense of mystery of what our film will be like.

The types of shots that we included within our trailer, conform to the stereotype of conventional horror, using certain editing skills incorporated with these shots, we used a lot of fading to darkness, to show the audience the sense of night and uneasiness. We also involved the idea of sudden flashes on sight of the antagonist clown, In order to conform with the element of shock and making the audience jump, this was also paired with the sound effect of a sharp chime sound, that resembles a knife slicing the air, giving off the correct impression of violence about too occur. The final fade method we used was the non-additive dissolve. We used this again with shots of the clown to create a paranormal atmosphere, and show the clown as almost shapeshifting and teleporting, showing that this isn't a regular human being.

Another element that was used in our production to make it seem as much like a professional trailer as we could, was our characters mine en scene. The main character that our group wanted to make sure was effective through their costuming, was our antagonist, the clown. The costume that we decided to use for the clown was a black hoodie, black jeans and a white demonic clown mask with electric red afro styled hair and nose. This we felt subverted from the normal route that a clown would be costumed in for the usual clown involving horrors, so although this subverts in this sense, but we feel like this creates a professional look for our trailer, as the mask itself shows the correct type of prosthetics that would be used in a professional horror film, instead of doing a makeup look that would appear extremely amateur.

Sound also played a large role within our trailer. We made sure to conform heavily within this category, we sued multiple chiming sound effects that play within the Tims of which our most frightening scenes and moments occur, in order to even taken these frightening moments further, we added these sound effects to take it to the highest level. Our main soundtrack that covers the majority of our trailer shows to be an eerie and creepy piece of music that is very much piano based, This also shows moneys were it suddenly drops and shows sounds of sharp strings and this corresponds with our clowns scariest moments, in order to show our clown as the most threatening and evil character. Over certain parts of our soundtrack that actually overlaps it with jazz music that is playing from the record player that we used to show a peaceful atmosphere within this specific location, which was the house of our protagonists that was shown at the beginning of the trailer, the shows that the audience should view this location as the protagonists solitude from the clowns grasps. The final part of sound that as involved was carnival music that was incorporated at the end, which conforms to the root of were clowns stem, from carnivals and circuses, we also involve the voice of a child within the music where she states "follow me", luring our audience into the horror of our film.

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