Friday 10 February 2017

Trailer's Film Poster


For our film poster our group decided that we wanted to although use the same imagery, we wanted two posters. One that is shown above with what we thought displayed the correct appearance and imagery of the clown. Showing him with just half of his face shows the audience that he is hiding away but still preying on people to attack showing him as the sinister and evil character that he is. We wanted to use a slogan or a quote for the poster and so below it stating " what's the matter? You look like you've seen a clown" we wanted to take a spin off of the saying, you look like you've seen a ghost. Putting this in quotations aswell shows that it is used in the film, showing that the clown gain is there with intentions to scare and hurt. 

We wanted to use quite a simplistic look to show the seriousness of our film. We wanted to portray minimal colour to show minimal excitement but more terror, we took inspiration off of the film poster for " Annabelle" 
Which like our poster used more simplistic imagery to frighten their audience. The poster below shows the 
Other version that our group came up with. In my opinion I prefer the second poster due to the fact that I really wanted to be simplistic and using a black and white colour scheme and only using the colour red in the clowns nose and on the balloon, connotes the correct theme of blood and violence, without going over the top.  

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