Saturday 11 February 2017

Filming schedule day 2

Day 2 Filming
Our group meets at ashtead park as we know it will be completely dark. When we arrived we made our way up to the playground in the park and filmed various shots of our antagonist clown on the swings, showing the creepy aspects to the clown being in children's playgrounds with malicious intentions. 

We then filmed next to the playground on the field, where we filmed various running shots of the three girls and the clown chasing behind them. We filmed this for a long time as we wanted to get the right type of shot. 

We moved over to filming at mae's car, where we showed two of the girls scrambling to get in the car and drive away,we only done this with two of the girls go hint at the death of one of the girls, to show clearly why the clowns intentions were, to harm the girls. There we showed the clown already in the backseat of the car shocking the girls. We done this to show the paranormal aspect of the clown that was behind them magically appearing in the car. 

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