The trailer opens to an establishing shot of a voluminous, pentagon shaped white building, surrounded by neat, serine greenery, with white text in the lower left corner of the shit stating that this is set in " The Pentagon in 2007", Over this shot we hear the non-diegetic voice of an american male stating " frankly we were a tad concerned with your performance history", immediately signalling to the audience an underdog situation, and feeling sympathetic for who the obviously powerful american narrator is talking to. We then cut to a panning inward medium shot of two basically identical bald men at the head of a table, who's mise en scene shows them to be powerful and dominant, due to both their business suits and their position on the table, but also due to the american and customs flags behind them, showing the audience that the films premise is to do with customs, i.e transporting goods.
Though the opening comment about an insufficient performance history is disregarded, as the two men reveal that they feel like they're "in good hands with this one", then cutting to another inward panning shot we see two men sitting at opposite end of the table, who also are dressed in business suits, though unlike the two heads of the table look nothing alike, with one in a black suit, with an expressionless face and slightly larger in size to the other man next to him, who is wearing a grey suit and is expressing happiness whilst diegetically stating " we will not let you down". Though the tone is immedialty dropped once the two find out that the only reason they have received this unrevealed job is because they " low balled" the operation and came in $53 million lower than their competition. Where we see a close up shot of the man in the black suit close his eyes and cover his face as he calmly but quietly says "oh okay", But the audience gather this was through gritted teeth, as we immediately cut to a speedily panning inward shot of the same an in a white corridor kicking and screaming at the wall, while his partner stands and watches him, This is also the point where upbeat music starts to play.
Then cutting to a news reel of a anchorman in a medium shot stating " how did two twenty something year olds land a $300 million pentagon contract?", cutting part way through saying this we see the two looking happier and more tanned, showing that their work takes them abroad. We then see the two in a long inward panning shot, showing the two surrounded by giant square piles of money, as they both stand next to each other grinning profusely.
Then cutting to a yellow screen we see the black text state " from the director of the hangover trilogy", showing that this is a humorous film and is targeting the audience of the box office hits. Then cutting to high angle establishing shots of a coastal city with turquoise waters and sandy beaches, showing the receiving audience that the two men are living the high life and visiting luxurious places.
A more violent tone is expressed in another inward panning medium shot showing the angrier character out of the two shooting a gun repeatedly in a shooting range as his companion watches behind him squeamishly. We then hear over the top of this non diegetically " they call guys like us war dogs", as we see the two in a cherry red sports car as the american flag is seen reflected on their windscreen, showing that their country is impacted by their actions. Following this we see the two men presented with a cake made out of the letters "aey", possibly the name of their company. We then see them in a digitally edited slow motion state of them dancing and having a good time at a party, showing the audience that the money they're making has given them a party lifestyle.
The two are then seen in numerous locations, while one of the two non diegetically narrates over the shots saying " make money off of war without stepping onto the battlefield", stating the interest of the operation having to do with war, but without them having to fight. We are then shown numerous closeup shots of weaponry and money showing the main focus on the operation, making it appear as though the two are selling and transporting weaponry in exchange for hefty sums of money.
The music and then shot cuts to the two walking rapidly though an airport, then stating that " don't worry i have to go first i'm american", showing the risky comedic effect, with the combination of money, weaponry and war themes, shows that the suitable audience is most likely going to be 15+. Music then starting again we see rapid shots of the two driving matching porches and in large serine apartments and houses, showing the operation to be a success, Also showing their happy lives as they are seen in high angle panning shots as they drive jeeps through an empty dessert.
Though they prove to show their risky if not stupid moves, when we see a close up shot reverse shot conversation between the two partners, who contemplate on whether to drive to Baghdad, and reveal that they are " gun runners", showing that they are under dangerous conditions on transporting the weaponry themselves. Though immediately after showing to be made into a humorous situation when the larger one of the two is seen strutting along as he shot a machine gun completely unfazed into the air. The noise of the machine gun turns into the same sound of a cash counting machine, showing the tied connection of guns and money within their line of work. Though this seems to be threatened when we see a medium shot of an office with numerous bodies wearing green FBI jackets, showing what they are doing has turned illegal.Following this we see that their sense of a luxurious lifestyle has had an impact of violence, as we see a high angle medium shot of one of the two main men being punched in the face and knocked out in a club, then cutting to another high angle shot of one of the men snorting cocaine in what appears to be an aeroplane toilet.
Then seeing the two's lives being stressed out beyond control as we see again rapid shots of glass windows being smashed, the two threatened to the ground with guns, and a medium shot of the two in a truck transporting guns, as two other trucks are seen in the background firing shots at the two and knocking their wing mirror clean off. The music then cuts completely, ending the high tension of the car chase, and shows the two partners in a medium shot as they are told my american army officials that they just drove the guns through the "triangle of death", to which the two look unaware of wha they just did and remain silent and look bewildered, thus showing the overall thrilling humour of the film, then ending on the yellow screen with the bold film title in black, "War Dogs".